로스팅 수업
일정 : 22.10.31 - 11.2 오전 9시 - 오후 5시
비용 : 150만원(현금, 카드 결제시 160만원)
수업 진행 : 통시 통역으로 과정이 진행됩니다.
문의 : 010-9637-2236(문자 및 전화 가능)
Advanced workshop for master roasters
With emphasis on roast profiling and consistency of roasting and post-roasting processes
기본 이론
1. Advanced physical inspection of the green bean.
a. Physiology of the green coffee bean (cellular structure and chemical composition of thegreen bean; network of micropores and layers of cellular tissue; density).
b. Classification of green coffee. Advanced physical standards for the evaluation of greencoffee quality (apparent density, water activity, drying quality, embryo viability, etc.).
2. Control of roasting processes
a. Heat transfer theory and its application to roasting equipment: conduction, convectionand radiation. Evaluation of thermal efficiency and recovery capacity of roastingequipment.
b. Roasting machine control systems (gas pressure and power, air pressure and flow rate,drum rotation speed; actual bean temperature sensor, room temperature sensor, hot airoutlet safety sensor) . Evaluation of the accuracy of thermocouples, rotational speed,suction pressure and bean mass turbulence.
c. Control of coffee roasting processes (physical and chemical transformations and formationof compounds in each stage). Main phases of the roasting process; key points to identifythe development of roasting and control parameters (time, temperature, moisturecontent, color, weight loss, brittleness, elongation). Critical control points for roastingprocesses.
3. Advanced physical and sensory inspection of roasted coffee
a. Roasting process deviations and main roasting defects. Advanced physical inspection ofthe final product. Comparative sensory analysis of the same green coffees roasted indifferent roasting machines. Identification of roasting defects (uneven, underdeveloped,baked, snatched and tipping, facing). Advanced standards for high-quality roasted coffees(physical and sensory inspection).
b. Comparative sensory analysis of finished products. Protocols and formats for roasters.Benchmarking of finished products.
4. Use of roasting indicators and software
a. Roasting log: from data recording and interpretation to the use of roasting software.Roasting curves and their impact on the sensory profile of coffee (formation, peak anddegradation of acidity, aromas, sweetness and body in the roasting process). Exercises tofind the optimal point of each sensory attribute.
5. Roasting profiles and blends.
a. Use of roast profiling techniques, according to bean density, flavor profile and blends offinal products. Exercises: roast profiling different beans (processes and origins). Use ofthe roasting logs. Interpretation of the curves of environmental temperature (air), realtemperature of the bean and rate of temperature rise (RoR).
b. Modulation of coffee flavor based on processing methods. How to adjust roast profilesaccording to the coffee processing method: washed, honeys and naturals and newinfused coffees, and long fermentation processes.
c. Basic blending theory. Sensory and economic principles in the preparation of blends(modulation and balance of coffee flavors; consistency in flavor profiles; cutting downcosts). Exercises for making mixtures with different types of beans and roast profiles.
6. Post-roasting processes and industrial safety
a. Control of post-roasting processes (degassing, stabilization, grinding and packaging)
b. and. Review of work environments, signs, practices and industrial safety protocols(manuals).
마누엘 박사님 약력
Manuel Diaz P. - 산지 개발 및 커피 전문가Rural development and coffee specialistCoffee Quality Part 1,2,3 주요 저자
- 1988 멕시코 국립 역사인류학 대학 졸업 ENAH (National School of Anthropology and History)
- 1998 런던 정경대 (London School of Economics and Political Science) 박사
* 주요활동 Main appointments
- 2005 to date. General Director of ONA Consulting, SRL, based in MexicoCity.
- 2006 to date. External consultant of coffee institutions in several countries: AMECAFE (M�xico; 2007 to 2013);
Coffee Quality Institute (Portland, OR, EUA; 2006 to 2013); Ugandan Coffee Development Authority (Kampala, Uganda; 2009 to 2015);
SMEPS-SFD (Sanaa, Yemen; 2010 to 2013); Antioquia Department (AOCE), Colombia (February 2014 to August 2015);
Specialty Coffee Association of Indonesia (2012 to date); Junta Nacional del Caf
로스팅 수업
일정 : 22.10.31 - 11.2 오전 9시 - 오후 5시
비용 : 150만원(현금, 카드 결제시 160만원)
수업 진행 : 통시 통역으로 과정이 진행됩니다.
문의 : 010-9637-2236(문자 및 전화 가능)
Advanced workshop for master roasters
With emphasis on roast profiling and consistency of roasting and post-roasting processes
기본 이론
1. Advanced physical inspection of the green bean.
a. Physiology of the green coffee bean (cellular structure and chemical composition of thegreen bean; network of micropores and layers of cellular tissue; density).
b. Classification of green coffee. Advanced physical standards for the evaluation of greencoffee quality (apparent density, water activity, drying quality, embryo viability, etc.).
2. Control of roasting processes
a. Heat transfer theory and its application to roasting equipment: conduction, convectionand radiation. Evaluation of thermal efficiency and recovery capacity of roastingequipment.
b. Roasting machine control systems (gas pressure and power, air pressure and flow rate,drum rotation speed; actual bean temperature sensor, room temperature sensor, hot airoutlet safety sensor) . Evaluation of the accuracy of thermocouples, rotational speed,suction pressure and bean mass turbulence.
c. Control of coffee roasting processes (physical and chemical transformations and formationof compounds in each stage). Main phases of the roasting process; key points to identifythe development of roasting and control parameters (time, temperature, moisturecontent, color, weight loss, brittleness, elongation). Critical control points for roastingprocesses.
3. Advanced physical and sensory inspection of roasted coffee
a. Roasting process deviations and main roasting defects. Advanced physical inspection ofthe final product. Comparative sensory analysis of the same green coffees roasted indifferent roasting machines. Identification of roasting defects (uneven, underdeveloped,baked, snatched and tipping, facing). Advanced standards for high-quality roasted coffees(physical and sensory inspection).
b. Comparative sensory analysis of finished products. Protocols and formats for roasters.Benchmarking of finished products.
4. Use of roasting indicators and software
a. Roasting log: from data recording and interpretation to the use of roasting software.Roasting curves and their impact on the sensory profile of coffee (formation, peak anddegradation of acidity, aromas, sweetness and body in the roasting process). Exercises tofind the optimal point of each sensory attribute.
5. Roasting profiles and blends.
a. Use of roast profiling techniques, according to bean density, flavor profile and blends offinal products. Exercises: roast profiling different beans (processes and origins). Use ofthe roasting logs. Interpretation of the curves of environmental temperature (air), realtemperature of the bean and rate of temperature rise (RoR).
b. Modulation of coffee flavor based on processing methods. How to adjust roast profilesaccording to the coffee processing method: washed, honeys and naturals and newinfused coffees, and long fermentation processes.
c. Basic blending theory. Sensory and economic principles in the preparation of blends(modulation and balance of coffee flavors; consistency in flavor profiles; cutting downcosts). Exercises for making mixtures with different types of beans and roast profiles.
6. Post-roasting processes and industrial safety
a. Control of post-roasting processes (degassing, stabilization, grinding and packaging)
b. and. Review of work environments, signs, practices and industrial safety protocols(manuals).
마누엘 박사님 약력
Manuel Diaz P. - 산지 개발 및 커피 전문가Rural development and coffee specialistCoffee Quality Part 1,2,3 주요 저자
- 1988 멕시코 국립 역사인류학 대학 졸업 ENAH (National School of Anthropology and History)
- 1998 런던 정경대 (London School of Economics and Political Science) 박사
* 주요활동 Main appointments
- 2005 to date. General Director of ONA Consulting, SRL, based in MexicoCity.
- 2006 to date. External consultant of coffee institutions in several countries: AMECAFE (M�xico; 2007 to 2013);
Coffee Quality Institute (Portland, OR, EUA; 2006 to 2013); Ugandan Coffee Development Authority (Kampala, Uganda; 2009 to 2015);
SMEPS-SFD (Sanaa, Yemen; 2010 to 2013); Antioquia Department (AOCE), Colombia (February 2014 to August 2015);
Specialty Coffee Association of Indonesia (2012 to date); Junta Nacional del Caf