Chapter :
Glossary of Scientific Terms
Common Coffee Cultivars and their Origins
The Coffee Biology Glossary Handbook is an essential tool to better understanding the language of biology as it pertains to the science behind great coffee. Initially developed to accompany a series on coffee genetics for the 2013 SCAA Symposium, curated by science manager Emma Sage, it has now become a solid primer on coffee biology, a reference to make it easier to engage with the science that underpins the entire coffee trade.
An industry must-have
In this 27 page handbook, author Emma Sage provides an in-depth reference guide for all coffee professionals looking to deepen their understanding of the science behind coffee through the terminology used to describe it.
Excerpt from The Coffee Biology Glossary Handbook:
Few coffee professionals are as equipped to engage with the biology of coffee farms as we might be. Most of us are culinary professionals, not scientists. As we practice our trade, we inevitably gather interest in biological sciences. We may begin to formulate opinions about the ecology of coffee farms or repeat agronomic advice we have heard. We may try to understand soil composition or the effects of climate on flavor. When we declare a preference for a particular coffee variety we are touching on the field of taxonomy, and if we want to understand how coffee breeding works to develop the varieties we love, we must understand genetics. Pretty soon, we’re engaging with experts and ideas from the fields of botany and agronomy, ecology and plant breeding. The common language of these disciplines is biology.
배송 및 교환/반품 안내
![]() | ![]() | ![]() |
당일 발송 | 무료 배송 | 배송 도착 |
오후 1시까지 주문 결제 완료시 | 10만원 이상 구매시 (기본 배송료 4,400원) | 출고 후 평균 2~3일 |
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오배송 방지 |
커피플랜트 물류센터에서는 오배송 방지를 위해 CCTV 녹화를 하고 있습니다. |
교환 / 환불 |
상품 수령일로부터 7일 이내에 고객센터에 요청한 경우에 한해서만 가능합니다. 소비자의 귀책 사유로 인한 상품 가치 훼손 시(택배포장 박스 훼손, 분실, 포함) 교환 및 반품이 불가능합니다. |
Chapter :
Glossary of Scientific Terms
Common Coffee Cultivars and their Origins
The Coffee Biology Glossary Handbook is an essential tool to better understanding the language of biology as it pertains to the science behind great coffee. Initially developed to accompany a series on coffee genetics for the 2013 SCAA Symposium, curated by science manager Emma Sage, it has now become a solid primer on coffee biology, a reference to make it easier to engage with the science that underpins the entire coffee trade.
An industry must-have
In this 27 page handbook, author Emma Sage provides an in-depth reference guide for all coffee professionals looking to deepen their understanding of the science behind coffee through the terminology used to describe it.
Excerpt from The Coffee Biology Glossary Handbook:
Few coffee professionals are as equipped to engage with the biology of coffee farms as we might be. Most of us are culinary professionals, not scientists. As we practice our trade, we inevitably gather interest in biological sciences. We may begin to formulate opinions about the ecology of coffee farms or repeat agronomic advice we have heard. We may try to understand soil composition or the effects of climate on flavor. When we declare a preference for a particular coffee variety we are touching on the field of taxonomy, and if we want to understand how coffee breeding works to develop the varieties we love, we must understand genetics. Pretty soon, we’re engaging with experts and ideas from the fields of botany and agronomy, ecology and plant breeding. The common language of these disciplines is biology.
배송 및 교환/반품 안내
![]() | ![]() | ![]() |
당일 발송 | 무료 배송 | 배송 도착 |
오후 1시까지 주문 결제 완료시 | 10만원 이상 구매시 (기본 배송료 4,400원) | 출고 후 평균 2~3일 |
![]() |
오배송 방지 |
커피플랜트 물류센터에서는 오배송 방지를 위해 CCTV 녹화를 하고 있습니다. |
교환 / 환불 |
상품 수령일로부터 7일 이내에 고객센터에 요청한 경우에 한해서만 가능합니다. 소비자의 귀책 사유로 인한 상품 가치 훼손 시(택배포장 박스 훼손, 분실, 포함) 교환 및 반품이 불가능합니다. |